We are excited to introduce the new MPL Z2 panel filters – one of the latest quality benchmark in the TG range. The SYNTHETIC-frame provides the filter media with secure, leak-proof sealing, a high level of stiffness and the maintenance of dimensional accuracy. The Z2 panel filters are water-repellent, microbiologically inert and comply with Fire Classification F1 for secure and reliable use in electronically controlled equipment.

MPL Z2 – New fully synthetic Z-line Panel Filter with pleat stabilization

Key features:

    The processing standard of Z2 filters is characterized by the retention of dimensional accuracy, perpendicular and streamlined contours. It is superior to the traditional filters with heavy and precarious metal frames, that have high leakage rates and dimensional inaccuracy, which causes risk of unwanted cuts and injuries while maintenance.
    The application of a leak-proof hot-melt bond, allows to maintain maximum sealing between filter media and frame. As a result – the pollutants within the airstream, access the filter border areas without bypassing unfiltered air. A high level of filtration efficiency is guaranteed for demanding filtration applications starting at G4 up to F9 EN779 or from Coarse to ePM 1, ISO16890 respectively.
    A significant feature of the TG Z2 panel filters is the high level of uniformity and accessibility of the filter media. The sharp V-shaped pleating structure enables a maximum depth effect. The hot-melt pleating system allows to even the filtration material with a favorable differential pressure drop characteristics and a longer filter service life.
    All components of the Z2 filters are free of binding agents, solvents or coloring agents. The materials in use contain recycled content, to lower the production CO2 emissions. The Z2 lightweight design also enables lower emissions during transportation. Unlike the conventional filters, the SYNTHETIC design is completely absolute of metal parts and glass-fiber components, which also limit environmental capability.
    We are confident that MPL Z2 filters will not only meet but surpass all performance expectations. Contact us to find out more:


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